Saturday, January 1, 2011

Year 2 - Day 1


Yes, I've been lonely without my 365 day project, so today, January 1st, I'm starting over with Year 2.  Hope you follow along.  I'll be taking at least a photo a day and posting it here.


Unknown said...


MaggieGem said...

Great to see you back, good luck with the new project!

Happy New Year!

greygirl25 said...

Welcome back!

Judy said...

That's great news! Gives me something to look forward to everyday.

David Abbishaw said...

So good to see you back.

These are amazing, but I guess living in Texas cattle is a common sight.

credd said...

And...that's why I'm into my 4th year of this now. I felt a bit 'lost' without it.

Brian said...

Nice shot. I'll be checking out your 365.