Saturday, January 21, 2012

2012 Weekly Photo Challenge: Week 3

Week 3 Photo 1:  Challenge:  Black & White.  If you know me, you know I rarely take pictures of people.  Last weekend I went to a reunion of people I went to Elementary and Middle School with.  These wonderful, smart, talented and unique people had more influence on me than I would probably admit.  Here's 5 of them perusing an old photo album. It was a truly fun evening.

Week 3 Photo 2:  Challenge:  Black & White.  For my second photo, I'm taking an instagram polaroid.  I picked up my parents from DFW returning from New Zealand and couldn't resist taking this photo.  It was perfect in black & white.


Jen said...

They are both nice but I love the escalator. You're right. That's perfect for black and white.

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Those are so nice and crisp! I love the escalator one. You have such a good eye for photos.

Ingrid said...

Great captures. Very cool elevator shot.