Sunday, December 26, 2010

Petting a Blue Jay

It's not every day you can pet a Blue Jay, but Christmas is special isn't it?  I found this bird stuck in my sister's sunroom on Christmas day and couldn't find the open door to get out.  After about an hour of him slamming into the glass, I herded him from the outside to a corner where my brother-in-law scooped him up and set him outside.  Too shellshocked to move he just sat there, and H2, being H2 and ultra-adventurous, stuck his hand out and stroked the bird.  He sat there for a while, I eventually went to take him some bread, but as I stepped back out, he flew off to be with his buddies.


Anonymous said...

I am just sitting here in awe! That is a gorgeous bird to begin with but I can't believe you got that close.

greygirl25 said...

Such a beautiful little bird. I'm glad you got him out safely.

Breanna said...


credd said...
