When I was a little girl, I used to spend a week every summer at my grandparents farm/ranch whatever you want to call it. They had a huge garden, a big old birdhouse to house the Martins in, a stock tank to fish in and a bunch of cows to chase. The one thing I remember the most was I used to list all the different species of birds that I would see over the week. I love the Cardinal, the Blue Jay, but the week wasn't complete until I saw a Scissor-tailed Flycatcher. That's just the way it was. I have found several around my favorite walking trails and it always makes me think of those summers way back when.
I'd like to tell you that I spent hours stalking this bird and other birds for the perfect in-flight picture. Truth be told, I did stalk the bird, but the bird was very generous in letting me get these shots. Less than 30 minutes of chasing him from tree to tree got me these shots.