I'm a little quirky, I admit it. I like cemeteries. LOVE THEM. I thought I was the only one until I met a second person who likes them just as much. Its really quite funny, because I wouldn't be caught dead in one. Seriously, I don't want anyone to waste precious ground to bury me, I'd rather go in a garden flower bed and fertilize something beautiful that sit in a place that doesn't get visited very often except by quirky photographers and the few people who still remember me.
It was an amazing day today and I wasn't far away from this treasure trove of inspiration. Every time I come into this cemetery I fall in love with the street signs, most don't even name the road(s) in the cemeteries, but this is a historical site, maybe that has something to do with it. There are tons of Civil War Veterans, I've even found one from the War of 1812. There is a section just for Union soldiers and several for Confederates. This is Texas after all. There are more streets, too many for one post - There is Friendship, Liberty, Justice to name a few. I love the Corner of Truth & Justice, but for some reason I didn't take that picture today. I wonder, which corner would you choose?